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Operating Head and BodyFront Mounting "Multi-Fixing"
a63 mm/2.48 in.esupport panel thickness 1 mm to 6 mm./0.039 in. to 0.24 in.
Link Positions (Factory Mounted)Diagram for 1 to 6-pole Switches
Select the number of poles according to the product characteristics.
I1Input 1I2Input 2O1Output 1O2Output 2
Angular Position of Switch
Switching ProgramDiagram for 1 to 6-pole Switches
Select the number of poles according to the product characteristics.
Convention Used for Switching Program Representation
Contact closed
Contact closed in 2 positions and maintained between the 2 positions
Sealed assembly for auto-maintain control
Overlapping contacts
Spring return position: for a switching angle of 90°, spring return is over 30° after the last position (for a maximum of 3 simultaneous contacts).

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